Seven Mules Kick Ass Ale

Well, the label of Seven Mules Kick Ass Ale says “Caution, we will kick your ass” so I guess I should prepare myself, although the cheezy mule label artwork makes me think otherwise.  This ale is in fact an American Barleywine from Mishawauka Brewing Company, and I’m not well-versed in barleywines, so perhaps my innocence will be beneficial in producing a fair review.  Here goes.  10% ABV is a good place to start, although I didn’t detect an extraordinary amount in the bouqet, which was peppery and butterscotchy, warming to overripe green apple as time went on, with a goodly amount of hops throughout.  It was cloudy and gold without much carbonation noticeable, and the head died quickly and left no lacing.  It had a nice, substantial texture and mouthfeel, and in general was full-bodied.  The taste revealed more peppery spices, a good amount of carmel sweetness and mouth-puckering bitterness, and finally a very dry finish that though strong was not unpleasant.  I do have to say it was enjoyable, but my ass has been kicked much harder by past brews.  For $1.79 per single 12 oz. bottle I would recommend it.

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