Point Amber Classic

A Point Well Made.

Yes, it’s amber, leaning toward red, and crystal clear with an average amount of carbonation.  Be sure to pour Point Amber Classic briskly down the middle of the glass to release all of the wonderful characteristics of the bouquet.  The fluffy white head leaves a ton of lace as it slowly collapses.  There is a cleaness to the bouquet, with the faintest hint of berry and a touch of clean hops.  The texture is creamy and smooth, and the berry note makes its presence known once again, yielding to a light, toasty aftertaste and a dry, light bitterness in the finish.  It’s a pleasant beer, full of subtle flavors and smells, and would go nicely with a warm meal on a cool evening.

5 Responses

  1. Now that spring is nearing, any chance that you will review some bocks?

    I just tried Sierra Nevada’s Glissade Golden Bock and was a bit underwhelmed. Certainly no Schell’s Spring Bock of which I have fond memories.

    I would love to hear you thoughts.


  2. Yes sir, I will. I’m making a batch of bock now, but that won’t be reviewed or be available for human consumption.

  3. Montague, do you remember cases of Rheinlander Bock and Huber Bock from The Bottle Store? Maybe $5 for a case of returnables. I tried the Huber Bock about 5 years ago and it wasn’t bad, but I’m afraid to try it again since Huber was taken over by Minhas of Canada.

  4. Who could forget such a deal! $4.99 a case!

    I have always suspected that Huber Bock was bock only in color. It seems that there is this tier of cheap ‘Wisconsin’ beers that are only differentiated by the amount of sugar dumped in at bottling…not that I wouldn’t still drink it if the circumstances required.

    I really do miss Schell’s Deer Brand bock [not sure if that was actually the name – there was a goat on the label…I think]. It was a limited run, only available in 12 packs [squat bottles] in April. I remember buying it for about $4.19 in the mid and late 80s.

    I have yet to taste a bock that compares to that…most seem really thin and too light in color. And aren’t true bock beers really only supposed to be available in the spring?

    • Bock beers were originally brewed in the fall, stored in the winter and served in the spring at bock beer festivals and religious holidays like Easter, and whatever local saint day the Bavarians were observing. There’s no seasonal connection anymore, especially if people will buy it year round. I prefer honoring the spring time tradition myself.

      Schell is still making it’s bock, but I bet it would not live up to your memories. Maybe it would, but Schell has gotten big and that often changes the product. I suspect that they are contract brewing for Trader Joe when Biersch can’t keep up with demand. So, you might find something comparable to th e old Schell Bock at TJ’s, just check the label to make sure it was brewed in New Ulm. Here’s a link to August Schell for you: http://www.schellsbrewery.com/ourbeers_info.php?id=17

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