Trappistes Rochefort 10 Trappistes Rochefort 10 is deep brown, effervescent and capable of producing a thick, lacey and log-lasting head.  It has a yeasty, doughy bouquet with hints of citrus and caramel.  Very pleasant.  Whoa, what a flavor!  It is as if there are three distinct flavors competing to be the most loved, yet I’m at a bit of a loss to adequately describe them.  Carmelized beet sugar?  Butterscotch?  Pine?  It’s definitely good, and it starts

It's all good.

It's all good.

smooth, but quickly puts a sharpness on the tongue.  It’s an 11.5% brew, but that’s not real obvious, the alcohol being masked by the complexities of the flavor.  There’s even a doughy characteristic that makes its presence known for a second time, but in the finish.  The alcohol can be felt in the stomach (and the head), and as daunting as this one is to fully understand and appreciate, I am giving it my best, hoping that future tasting can clear up a few questions.  Put this one on the board, YES!

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