Leinenkugel 1888 Bock

Tastes like I remember in 1988.

I have to say I’m always pulling for Leinenkugel.  I was concerned when they became involved with Miller to expand their distribution network.  Their quality has not suffered and their introduction of new varieties of beer has been a blessing to beer drinkers.  Leinenkugel’s 1888 Bock is a Pepsi-brown beauty, it’s able to support a decent head for a long time and produce ample splotchy lacing.  It has a good amount of visible carbonation and the subtle toasted grain and light carmel bouquet has a hint of nuts and an even slighter hint of smoke.  The smooth, creamy texture is inviting, and a mild carmelly sweetness devolves into a lingering nutbread note.  A light dryness appears in the finish.  Rroasty, toasty and wonderful.

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