Generous Ale

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Do you like Bass Ale?  Well, then you should love Guinness Generous Ale.  Generous Ale pours a deep ruby with inclinations toward chestnut, and a good Navajo White head to cap it off.  Head retention is pretty good and the lacing leaves pictograms and silhouettes of mysterious creatures on the glass.  The sweetish bouquet is lightly hopped at the back, mildly malty at the front.  Roasted barley colors the flavor and a hop-related dryness rests on the tongue as a satisfying aftertaste.  Generous Ale possesses a smooth, full mouthfeel, but is far from being heavy.  There’s just something familiar about Generous Ale.  Maybe it’s a bit like an extra special Bass Ale, or maybe it’s a genetic memory of Christmastime in East Anglia.  Who knows for sure.  Guinness Generous Ale is not a life-changing beer, but if your life is pretty good as it is, Generous Ale will fit in nicely.

75/100 English Ale

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