Guinness Draft


In time for St. Patrick’s Day, I will now give my review of one of the greatest brews to have ever been produced.  This one gets 100 out of 100 on the beerbliographer scale.  I almost feel guilty about it, too, but here goes.  Guinness Draft.  It’s legendary, and rightly so.  It pours creamy and bubbly and it is a treat to watch the initial pour tumble down the sides of the glass like a North Sea storm into a black, ruby-tinted mass.  In it’s wake it is impossible not to become enraptured in the presence of the substantial and long-lasting tan head.  There’s lots of Brussels lace as the level drops and plenty of non-belch producing fine carbonation.  The roasted malt bouquet is amazing, with plenty of smoke and burnt carmel notes.  It is absolutely smooth and creamy and leaves with a dry sharp finish with a remaining coffee note.  It is the most drinkable stout I’ve ever had, and my snobbish tendencies make me wat to say that Lion Stout gets that honor, but I am nothing if I am not honest, so I have to give Guinness Draft the praise it deserves.  That being said, there is nothing as disappointing as a poorly drawn, stale or flat pint of it (that means you, Village Tavern).  In my prime I managed to survive a 12-pint night, but those days are long gone, thankfully.  But, I am more than ready for a 3-pint night and the pleasure that goes with it.  Slainte and Zum Voll!

2 Responses

  1. Wow, you have such an eloquent way with words… Its like you are describing a beautiful woman… you must really love beer!

    • Christie, beer comes in a close second to women on the list of things I love. Although I enjoy the wide variety displayed in both, it doesn’t pay to put down in writing my feeling for the fairer sex. Beer has not yelled at me yet. Donna Y. from DGS says hello to you.

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