Affligem Blond Ale

A yeasty, tart and full bouquet greats the nose upon the initial whiff.  Fairly clear and very bubbly, Affligem Blond Ale gives you a big, fluffy, persistent head and plenty of lacing as the level goes down.  This beer is smooth and creamy, despite its carbonation and crisp character.  You can taste the sharpness of the alcohol (6.8% ABV) while you notice a citrusy note, and a quick rush of hop dryness hits the tongue right after.  This is followed by a lightly sweet finish, and finally a lingering dryness.  This beer really activates the salivary glands way back and down deep on the tongue.  Notice a bit of dough in the exhale.  This beer looks simple, but has some nice subtle attributes that makes it well worth a try, and it is pretty easy to find so you have no excuses.  85/100

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