Yarpivo Lager Amber

Baltika (St. Petersburg, Russia) beers have been become popular recently, or at least more easy to find, but I have yet to find one that didn’t taste old, stale or borderline gross.  Well, Yarpivo Lager Amber changes that, and at 99 cents for a 16.9 oz. bottle, it’s a really good deal.  Actually, amber is not a good description, it’s medium gold.  Although there is little visible carbonation it produces a decent white head.  The bouquet is generally sweet with good carmel notes,  but there is something plasticky way back in the scent profile.  There is some lacing, but not a lot, and some floral hops far back in the bouquet.  It tastes a bit sweet, a bit tart, has a nice texture and is smooth-bodied.  There is a bit of rustiness in the finish, and a little grain, possibly corn too.  It is a lot like a good Polish lager, of which I am a fan.  It’s really a drinkable beer.  70/100 discount euro lager.

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