Rocky’s Revenge

150-06-RockysBarrel-aged beers are all the rage these days.  The kids just can’t seem to get enough of them.  Not surprisingly, some fall short of good and some are extremely good.  Rocky’s Revenge from Tyranena Brewing Co., Lake Mills, WI is definitely on the upper end of the scale.  Pepsi-brown with a good amount of carbonation and a single-layer head, Rocky’s Revenge is an American Brown Ale that stands out among browns, which admittedly is not so hard to do.  Rocky’s Revenge starts with the standard nutty, yeasty bouquet typical of the style, but quickly goes beyond with a mild-yet-noticeable bourbon vibe.  It’s even more pronounced in the flavor, with a touch of alcohol/booze tang in the nose.  The finish has a touch of dryness and lots of sweetness that thickens the saliva.  Rocky’s Revenge is not exactly a thirst-quencher, not is it a true sipper.  Get some crusty bread and a smoked cheese of some sort and enjoy a Rocky’s Revenge.

80/100 American Brown Ale

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