St. Boisterous Hellerbock

Helluva hellerbock

Medium orange in color, Victroy Brewing’s St. Boisterous Hellerbock is a classic maibock made right here in the USA, Downington, PA to be specific.  It’s a bit cloudy, sports a thin head and minimal visible carbonation, although it is not flat.  Malt and hop characteristics are well-balance, but hops are the first thing I notice in the bouquet, fading into a full, malty smoothness.  This beer is surprisingly full-bodied and creamy, and there is a dry quality that activates the taste buds and salivary glands simultaneously.  There is a fair amount of grain/bread/dough noticeable if you swish it a bit in your mouth.  I recommend swishing your beer if you are not in the presence of others.  It truly unleashes flavors and qualities that might be missed otherwise.  The hops impart a papery taste (light, though) and the sweetness of the malt holds a bit of berry in it.  It’s good.  Now if someone would just name a beer after my patron saint, St. Guinefort.  79/100

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