Pilgrim’s Dole

A lot better than Bob or Libby's dole!

Holland, Michigan:  Once just a rest stop on my way to Ludington, now the source of some of the best beer in the midwest.  The specific beer I am talking about in this case is Pilgrim’s Dole, by New Holland Brewing.  This wonderful stuff is orange-brown, pushing the edge of garnet.  The head is evanescent, but some fuzz remains on the surface to the last, and the carbonation is fairly vigorous.  The bouquet is full and malty with a good dose of carmel and dates, foreshadowing the sensations that is to come.  The taste covers the tongue front to back, side to side.  Sweet and alcoholy, it really sticks to the ribs.  It’s kind of hard to get this one straight, but I find references to dates, raisins, molasses and brown sugar.  This is a barleywine style wheat ale, and I’m new to the whole barleywine thing.  I could see myself digging a lot deeper into the realm of the barleywine soon.  Pilgrim’s Dole is fabulous, and a 22 oz. bottle will do you up right.  Let it breathe and warm up a bit for the best flavor and bouquet.

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